This is a moving story about a cafe in Japan that allows house-bound people to join in with society and find a purpose, using remotely operated robotic avatars.
Is it my dishwasher? Or does it have to shaped like a human for no reason?
You made a tasteless joke because you didn’t watch the video.
Watch the video.
I apologize. I’m an elder millennial so asking me to watch a whole video instead of read something violates the social contract that once was. I’d delete but I’d rather leave it up as a cautionary tale for other old people.
Noted. Won’t watch.
Will play tetris and look down one of those red binoculars that you put picture disks in.
As an elder millennial: what?
I was born in 1981 so, in the United States at least, I’m considered an “elder millennial” rather than Generation X or a Baby Boomer. It’s a silly thing but we give our generations names.
When I was growing up, Google didn’t exist (much less YouTube) so watching a video was a pain in the ass. It took whole ass minutes to download, you needed RealPlayer/codecs, and then half the time, it could have been a text article that took 30 seconds to read. So, asking someone to watch a video that could have been an article was considered rude. Now, it’s probably the opposite and video is preferred.
It’s a bit similar to “this meeting could have been an email” but I meant no disrespect. It’s just that I’m old and prefer text Internet to video.
Watching a video is still a pain, 10mins of rabbiting on to make a point that usually can be summarised in 3 sentences (ie 20secs reading tops). And THAT ignores the shenanigans YouTube are up to forcing logins and blocking VPNS.
I still consider it rude unless there is information that really does need to be visual.
They have a point. I’m an elder millennial and I abhor being sent a video. I prefer text based news, and usually don’t intentionally click videos. But on the other hand, that’s probably more because I have to be in the right setup to watch a video (where I can dedicate my attention to it without disturbing anyone or being disturbed), and so my preference is text.
Ditto on both age and disinterest in watchinh videos. It takes so damn long to get to the point and you need headphones which I have to dig out
I appreciate the warning