So creating a new repo on GitHub, you get a set of getting started steps. They changed the default branchname to “main” from “master” due to its connotations with slavery.
When I create a new repo now, the initial getting started steps recommend creating a branch named “master” as opposed to “main” as it was a while ago.
It’s especially weird since the line git branch -M master
is completely unnecessary, since git init
still sets you up with a “master” branch.
Disclaimer: I have a bunch of private repos, and my default branchnames are pretty much all “master”.
Is this a recent change?
Edit: Mystery solved, my default branchname is “master”. Thanks !
so which is it?
if it’s just a word then it shouldn’t matter if “master” is used.
if you don’t care, then keeping “master” in use won’t bother you.
why should I think about it? you said it doesn’t matter and you don’t care.
regardless, I’ll keep using master because its a master record. not a trunk, not a main, and why would anyone call their branch a “release”? wouldn’t that get confusing when you do actual releases or tagging?
You seem like a delightful person to work with. I’m just saying be pragmatic and maybe try not to be a dick about it?
I am a horrible person to work with because I demand from others what I demand of myself.
if it takes me an average of 60 minutes to update each of my 73 repos, rules, and pipelines, and accounting for 25% more time in post pipeline issues; a “simple branch rename change” would cost me an estimated 92 hours of effort. just over 11 days of work.
is it worth the efforts? I think not. would my boss allow me to do it? not only would they not let me do it, they would laugh me out of the building and take my key card.
should I change how things are done from this day forward? let’s ask a different way.
what harm could be done by segmenting standard pipeline configurations? new documentation would be needed, then maintained.
then the question becomes what’s the best way to maintain two branching strategies? when new devs start, will they understand the nuances between strategy A vs B? what happens when they open PRs for main on a master repo?
so now…a simple name change becomes far FAR more complex when you look past the initial change request.
Also, I’m not a dick. I’m just pragmatic.
It’s always eye raising when someone takes umbrage with using main over master.
Like … awfully weird hill to die on, you’re kind telling on yourself some.
what exactly am I telling on myself with?
That you’d be a bad teammate: the kind of person who puts personal preference above what the group has decided and causes problems for no good reason; the kind of person who would insist on indenting with spaces when the whole team has decided to use tabs.
nailed it lmao
L+Ratio+“I know what I’m saying makes you uncomfortable and wields power over you, and you should let me wield that power over you”
what’s hilarious to me is none of you realizes that I might not be white. you’ve judged the color of my skin entirely based on an opinion that conflicts with your perception of what a person of color would have. last time I checked that’s racial profiling, which is racist. so…who’s trying to impose power over whom here?
regardless, I vehemently deny that I want to use “master” to force my will onto others (outside of maintaining a standard branching strat). as I have stated previously, the hourly cost to convert master to main is far too high to consume and too frivolous of a change to piecemeal out over the next three years.
until HR is ready to explain to the executives why I can’t deliver the features they want this quarter, it’ll stay as “master”.