I know some people still swear by their old iPods or film cameras. For me it’s a 15 year old Western Digital external HDD. Do you have any older gadgets or tech that you refuse to let go of?
I know some people still swear by their old iPods or film cameras. For me it’s a 15 year old Western Digital external HDD. Do you have any older gadgets or tech that you refuse to let go of?
Not sure if “Outdated”, but I still uses microSD card slot on my Samsung A-Series phone. I might’ve gone for the S-Series if they had the sd card slot, so yea good job, Samsung, don’t dare touching the sdcard slot on the A-Series, or I might just go for like a motorola, or HMD/Nokia or something.
I also have some ham radios and a shortwave radio in case of like government censorship or natural disaster or something (especially considering recent USA politics). I don’t use them much, I just randomly scan the frequencies to see if theres anything.
I heard like emergency communications during the Philly plane crash recently, although, I couldn’t decipher what they were saying, I just heard some “pieces” and “bodies” and “crater” but its all out of context and I didn’t understand a thing. I also heard some people taking about mundane life things on GMRS, or saying they were getting ready to watch the Eagles game. Still have yet to find anything interesting. But I kinda just have radios because I like the idea of having stuff that still have a practical purpose if the internet and cell networks shut down. Like I’m not even “old”, I was born after 2000, but still want to radios just to have them.