Ah, yes. Science. That thing where going back in time to kill the scientist who discovered something guarantees that no one else will ever think of the same concept.
Science convergers on the same truth. It’s the stupid that creates uniquely dumb outcomes. If you want to change the world by time travel, do not kill the scientist, kill the fool.
If someone has a time machine, they can just make the world a better place by killing baby
Adolf HitlerThomas Malthus.The same can be said of killing Thomas Midgley Jr except someone else would have probably came along and invented leaded gas.
Forget that, I’m stomping on the first fish that thought legs were a good idea
If yOu hAd a tImE MaChInE WhAt wOuLd yOu dO?
I’D ToTaLlY KiLl hItLeR BrAh
we’re finding out that no one would do shit.
That would be fun, but Terminator Ben Shapiro would also be sent back.
Ah, yes. Science. That thing where going back in time to kill the scientist who discovered something guarantees that no one else will ever think of the same concept.
Thomas Malthus was not a scientist, but an economist and a cleric.
Science convergers on the same truth. It’s the stupid that creates uniquely dumb outcomes. If you want to change the world by time travel, do not kill the scientist, kill the fool.