Foxes. They’re like a cross between cats and dogs, with their cute fluffy tails.
You should listen to and smell a fox before embarking on that kind of project.
Oh I listen to them every night, believe me. I don’t mind it anymore. It is true though I’ve never been close enough to smell one.
Russians inadvertantly did that, when trying to rear blue foxes for fur. Selecting for tameness altered the coat.
Lana! He remembers me!
How do you titilate an ocelot?
I’d take a unicorn or dragon.
Probably red pandas. I’m still a bit surprised they are wild animals, they seem too silly to be like…doing their own thing out there.
I too want to domesticate a Firefox
Is this a rabbit hole I want to go down?
A bear. They are just adorable and silly and cute until they eat you completely for no reason.
A bear walks into a bar and says “I’ll have a …....…...….….….….….. beer.” The bartender asks: “Why the big pause?” The bear responds: “I don’t know, I was born with them.”
(Pic in OP relevant. Even bear cubs have big paws.)
It’s nice to be on even terms.
Pallas’s cat
They are just irl pokemon :)
This is the only correct answer.
Domesticated microraptor. It would be cool as hell, and also imply that we’ve somehow resurrected a dead species.
Get a chicken. They still know they’re dinossaurs.
Penguin, I want to see a penguin wearing thigh highs and an arch linux shirt :3
those would be the shortest thigh highs ever
Tall horse 🦒
I always thought of them as necky camels more than horses
Stupid long horse, but yeah that would be a sick
Get me a miniature giraffe and a miniature elephant and I’m good.
I need that type of positivity in my life.
Zebras. It’s just a bug that we can’t, right? It’s just a stripey horse!
Zebras are extremely aggressive and violent
I’m assuming the hypothetical domestication process proposed by OP is magical though.
I’ve read somewhere some have been successfully (more or less) tamed.
I am trying to befriend crows right now so I agree with this haha
How’s it going? What are you doing to try?
This is on my wish list of things to do, but I always forget to start.
So far its only been a week and I’m starting to realize that I haven’t chosen a good spot to place food and should find a spot or feeder where I can have water and the food in a nice open part of the yard raised in the air a bit and hopefully in a spot I can aim a camera at. I was playing with dogfood and saw 1 juvenile crow only because I had set up a camera from a old phone, today I got some unshelled unsalted peanuts. I think to get the ball rolling better I need to go walk around and find some crows and lead them towards the house. I grabbed a old broke plant pot made of ceramic and broke the ceramic into small pieces so I can offer some shiny objects to the crows so maybe they either see the food better or take this as a gift and start connecting with my spot more. I don’t think I am on their normal route and we have a lot of other miscellaneous birds and dogs and cats and some small predator wild animals around and in a suburb so i don’t think it will be very easy to get them to come regularly, I was surprised to even get the one bird once.
Wasps; I’m going to be a supervillain now.
Edit: Scratch that. Termites have better crime potential, if that’s the idea I’m going with.
Even if not, a large quadruped is the wrong answer when we already have dogs, horses and elephants. Something flying, digging, tiny or aquatic is where we should all be thinking.
Sparrows are already semi domesticated due to living near human settlements basically since we started farming.
Well, they’re not domesticated enough to let me pet them unless I catch a chick which fell off a nest.
I mean, obviously a lion.