I can’t think of a single phone that automatically opens links that are in QR codes. The worst it would do is just show a link to malware, wish you would have to manually click in order to download the malware.
I can’t think of a single phone that automatically opens links that are in QR codes. The worst it would do is just show a link to malware, wish you would have to manually click in order to download the malware.
Of all the deaths in the series, I thought Fred’s hurt the most.
Relatedly, I think the death to hit me the hardest happened in stormlight 4. You know which one it was.
Military skill was a use it or lose it thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if all of the wars that the US has been fighting have been intentional, specifically in order to maintain skilled soldiers.
Why does everybody think that so many people will just straight up murder everybody who doesn’t share their politics?
There’s absolutely no way we make it the next billion years without either dying out or spreading past the solar system.
Going 83, but sideways
Going 82, but backwards
Going zero, adjacent to barricade.