Man, that belongs in the antique meme roadshow (or however that community was called).
Still, always love a good classic meme.
Man, that belongs in the antique meme roadshow (or however that community was called).
Still, always love a good classic meme.
Naja, Oppa hatte sowas halt bei sich im Haus.
Und bei Oppa war immer gut.
Hey, mit fast Mitte 30 bin ich doch noch kein alter Sack!
I’m a bit nostalgic for the good old Flachspüler.
… I’m getting old, aren’t I?
And still couldn’t figure out how it works.
What a pathetic loser 😹
I prefer this version of the meme:
(Disregard the watermark. Didn’t find a version of this ancient meme without one on the quick)
I found it fun.
And reinforces the sentiment that Vaan really isn’t the main character.
Well, Balthier does ask him at one point why he is there and he just doesn’t have an answer for it.
I mean, it does look like a lot of work. No reason not to be proud of your work.
Gotta say I’m more of a fan of the classic one.
You mean Red Luigi?