If you care whether she won, then yes blame her for losing. That’s not what I care about. I care that Trump won. Since there was a much better option available to voters, I blame the voters for that.
Anyone who thinks Harris was a worse option than Trump is not worth having a conversation with.
Instead of choosing to die off the cliff, they should have chosen the steep hill and then climbed back up to kick ass for having been kicked down a hill.
Abstaining is an active choice. For someone eligible to vote, there doesn’t exist an “I opt out of any accountability for the outcome” option.
I still can blame the voters who chose the more wrong option, either explicitly or implicitly through non voting. More than one can be blamed.
It is not completely her fault because voters have agency and accountability.
I think you’re getting your roles all mixed up with your analogy. The anger you reference is at fellow voters. It isn’t the average voter’s job to build a better rocket. And the wind is not alterable but voter decisions are. The anger is at the decision makers who chose the rocket that was less capable of dealing with the harsh wind or chose to not pick a rocket at all, knowing that would result in the lesser rocket being picked.
The issue with that line of thinking is that your conclusion is that the only way out is superior execution by the Dem party. But that’s not the case. The wind CAN choose and can decide to blow us away from the cliff.