with “hire more” you do run up against the “9 women can have a baby in 1 month” limit, but in this case it’s likely to help.
with “hire more” you do run up against the “9 women can have a baby in 1 month” limit, but in this case it’s likely to help.
Well the Google results i saw say about 64% of eligible voters voted, which is apparently high for the US.
Based on 2020 numbers it does look like a lot of 2020 Biden voters stayed home and most 2020 Trump voters came out again. Add in some economy frustration and surprise we get this shit show for 4 years…
it’s a combo of trolling and attention seeking. “there’s no such thing as bad press” and all that.
we should point it out, condemn it, but not engage in arguments with them about what is and isn’t a sig heil.
and when they pop up in other places trying to talk about other stuff, just bring up the fact that they threw a Nazi salute from time to time.
the most important thing is to focus on their evil policies and actions. but we can’t forget their performative evil.
if this is machine learning and neural networks, I can believe it’s a good thing, maybe even meaningful for the potential of so called artificial intelligence.
if this is an LLM that’s alleged to have popped this “virus tail” theory out of… what exactly…? I’m not buying it.
I’m really hoping that Churchill’s quote about Americans doing the right thing is evergreen, because this first month (!!!) of Trump has been A LOT.
I feel like we’re really close to having tried every alternative by now, right?..right?
the first like 10 years of payments is mostly against the amortized interest, so in the first 2 years the principal owed barely moves down.
This has a version of the article without the “non paywall” landing page/wall.
I find that I see memes here about a week before my wife shows them to me (presumably from reddit)
Not sure if there’s an app yet, I found one on the Android store by Arakassia…
smoking everywhere
The owners would last 10 days, especially if the duration was announced ahead of time. Maybe a general strike that had no end date, once it went 3 months or so, would have the desired effect.
Going Luigi on a bunch of them would be faster, more effective, with stronger effects that lasted longer. Probably fewer total deaths.
I think it’s more likely they’ll go after us than go after Israel, because the world doesn’t have centuries or millenia of anti American bigotry stored up that in a twisted fashion leads them to let the Israeli government do whatever it wants to poor Muslims as long as that means there’s a Jewish state.
What complicates matters is all the military power we have and the certainty most people have that Trump would order it to attack anyone who embargoes us.
Are Rich People OK?
so he admits it’s virtuous… just that he thinks some people are doing it disingenuously…?
social media
first, you’re talking about software “engineers” which means you aren’t talking about engineers in general.
and there’s a good chance none of them have ever had an engineering course in their life. they’re hackers who are good at making code.
the reason they probably seem reluctant to share is that what they’ve cobbled together with bubble gum and bailing wire is difficult to explain quickly and thoroughly AND they’d be taking time away from their assigned tasks to do so without having any change to their deadlines.
stop blaming them and start blaming their management for not giving them the time and permission they need to help you. go to the management and say you need so-and-so to be assigned 40 or 80 hours specifically to help you understand these widgets.
and in the future you need to push for clean up, documentation, lessons learned, and training to be part of every project estimate.
Well back when computers were being developed/ improved there was a pretty strong commitment throughout the Western nations to advancing and expanding education for everyone.
In that paradigm, people would become more educated and better at critical thinking at a steady pace, probably on par with the rate at which computer programs advanced in their capacity to mimic human behavior.
So, “can it fool more people into believing it’s a human” would’ve been a great test of whether the program was super advanced.
Instead we’ve had 50 years of attacks on public education by Republicans that has been tolerated - or at least not fought hard enough - by Democrats. So not particularly advanced programs can fool a great many people. That does make the Turing Test moot, I think.
And to prevent legal entities owning other legal entities owning apartments
This is one huge issue I have with our current end stage capitalistic system. If corporations are “people” then how can they own other corporations, which are also “people” right?
If shareholders want to own shares in multiple companies, they can still do that.
90% of them were Russian/ Iranian/ Chinese/ North Korean trolls or bots. They got what they wanted, so it’s on to the next thing. Probably undermining support for Ukraine.
maybe that should be an addendum or footnote to the “best days of a boat owner’s life”