you should read michael chrichton’s book sphere. it talks about some of the tom & jerry tier physics and biology disasters that can happen in a deep sea habitat
the whole point of the game was to illustrate how dumb libertarians are
there’s always gotta be at least one “let’s all pay attention to how this isn’t a problem for ME” chud in the comments
tbf it’s not hard to convince hayseed chucklefuck trumplings that regulations which exist to protect them are a bad thing because they cost money. we had condo buildings collapsing and people dying WITH regulations.
when bridges start collapsing left and right, they’ll blame drag queens and the maga trumpistan patriots will lap it up like hogs at the trough
i’ll never understand the people who absolutely can’t stand drinking just plain water. though i guess they’ll never understand how i will 100% of the time refuse water with any bullshit added for “flavor”
cheating, rape, and violence ARE conservative family values, as long as it’s the men doing any of those things
that “part” has always been there, other “parts” of that movement just chose to fucking ignore it for decades upon decades