This is about evening the playing field, making other mapping services having a less difficult way to compete
This is about evening the playing field, making other mapping services having a less difficult way to compete
Talk about hyperbole…
Google Maps is over!
No, the integration in the search results when searching the web might be gone, but you can still go to and find what you need.
This is not a significant shift with how we are interacting with Google, it is a minor change.
Calm down.
Does your asshole touch a lot of surfaces?
Mine mostly just touch my underwear…
That is fair, though in places with unreliable water I doubt that using water to flush or a bidet would be the first priority.
You should go on street view and check out Asia, whenever I visited Thailand and see a backroad, there is a huge number of used plastic bottles lying next to the road.
They still get drinking water from bottles.
Weather that is the case in large cities like Bangkok I don’t know as I haven been there enough to learn.
Nope, autonomous driving will probably evolve into a drive by wire system, where you drive the computer that drives the car, that means that you are kept in a safety bubble where your inputs are validated to be safe by the computer before they are performed.
Similar to that of fighter jets today.
Not in 20 year mate.
Oil has a massive problem, it is just too fucking good at what it does, energy density of a battery is far, far below petrol, and require complex infrastructure at the point of sale, while petrol can even be dispensed without electricity.
Nope, I can’t see this happening either, unless bides take over.
Toilet paper is actually rather effective, it is cheap, easily processed, effective enough at removing most of the crap, it does not require added water infrastructure (I would not clean my ass with grey water) and simple to teach new users
Nah, I can’t see VR ever going so completely mainstream that it replaces a normal screen and controller.
It is just not convenient enough.
None, there is no unbiased news source in existance.
That being said, I mainly use the government’s TV station’s (SVT) news feed and one of our major daily news papers (DN) feed to get a general idea of what is going on, they tend to be decently accurate.
“Starving children in Africa”
That is a such a classic argument, too bad it is completely idiotic.
A starving child in Africa would not be helped by sending our food scraps to them, the food would spoil and harm them instead. If the food did make it to Africa without spoiling, it would rightfully be rejected, as an insult to the government and people of these nations.
But let’s say that the food didn’t spoil and was accepted, it would ruin the local economy. The food would be cheaper than the locally available food, driving farmers out of business, increasing the dependency on food scraps.
Never make that argument in this context, it just shows how dumb you are.
What is a bb and what would it do?
Should bikes be covered in explosive reactive armor?
Some sources say yes.
Do they still use physical SIM cards?
I would expect them to use eSIM instead, no need to psy a worker or design a machine to shove a SIM card in every head unit, and pay for the production of the cards when you can just transfer an eSIM during programming.
It is nice to hear when politicians are actually working together to try and solve a big problem.
That would never happen with Trump.
Sigh, mass transit will benefit you as well, it means that mote people will use it rather than taking the car, thus reducing traffic in general.
Taxes are also often used to change behaviors in the population, by adding taxes like these, cities have been known to try and reduce pollution and congestion making the area less harmful.
TL;DR: Congestion charges are annoying, but in the end will benefit you as well.
You are absolutely right, my comment assumed regulation and acting in good faith.
I am mainly just so tired of everyone just going “capitalism bad”, when that is not the single answer.
Eradicating capitalism would be terrible and idiotic.
I am a firm believer in a social democratic system with a well regulated free market.
Unregulated capitalism*
Capitalism in and of itself is a turbo charger for the economy, but like a real turbo charger it need regulations to not destroy itself and the engine.
Back in 1780s the US constitution was an absolute marvel of progressiveness, but today, it is increadibly outdated and keeps the US political system back from making progress.
I am in a similar situation, I have a pair of Bose QC35 II as my main headphones, they still sound brilliant, are comfortable to wear and have a decent battery life, but they use Micro USB, I have a decent charging setup, a dedicated Micro USB cable from a big USB charger.
I want a new pair of QC SC from Bose, but they are expensive, and I don’t like that the earcups are plastic while my QC35 II’s has metal earcups, I can afford the QC SC without any issue, but it just feels wrong to buy new a new pair of headphones when the old ones still work.