humble bundle at one point sold a bundle with the works of U K Le Guin, and since i’ve been meaning to read those, i bought it
all were under amazon DRM
i’m a big fan of being able to do whatever the hell i want with the things i buy so naturally, i got mad and looked for a way to un-DRM them, and i’m happy to say there’s a calibre plugin for that. i’m currently enjoying Wizard of Earthsea on my reMarkable
Explicitly lefty publisher, but the ebooks are DRM free and they include them for free alongside any physical purchases. (They do tag the ebooks with your name and email though.)
If you are into light novels the publisher JNovel Club sells their books DRM free from their website
There seems to be a few publishers missing here …
- Baen books ( have never applied DRM to their books.
- TOR ( stopped DRM on their books about ten years ago.
Baen typically sells their wares directly but TOR are through the usual sellers but have no DRM. I’m not sure how this works in practise with Amazon’s new “you can’t get the files” policy, but they are probably in cleartext somewhere.
Who is downvoting this?!
Jeff bezos probably
Lots here too.
If you paid feel free to pirate it.
I use a kobo e-reader and it works a treat. Looks and feels good, and can load any ol downloaded epub book without issue with Calibre.
Is there any way to liberate existing ebooks now that Amazon has pulled the plug on downloading? An unfortunate friend of mine has “bought" Books from Amazon for thousands of euros and he just now finds out that he doesn’t seem to own them. I’d help him free his books if there is a possibility.
If you have a rooted Android device or a jailbroken Kindle device, yes, you can still use Calibre DeDRM and KFX Input plugins on the kindle ebooks downloaded on them. It just takes a bit more setup with getting the key you need.
Enter “[book name] [desired file format such as PDF or epub]” into search engine of choice
And ideally your search engine of choice would be z-library or libgen
You certainly don’t want to use shodan to search
server: "calibre"
And you definitely don’t want to find an open ebook library to get kindle-only books.
I’m so in love with Anna.
Relevant XKCD :
This is the answer to everything ain’t it? You probably neve purchased a book in your life and just came here proudly to say this.
I purchase physical books, but I’d be fucking daft to purchase a REVOKABLE LICENSE to a book. That said, I have SO MANY digital books that I obtained for free.
You can buy the ebooks from Kobo or the like and strip out the DRM using Calibre.
Shitte practices by Amazon are no justification to let it all out on the authors. Amazon literally doesn’t care whatsoever if you don’t buy a book there. However, the author might need to feed their family dry bread today.
You people are delusional to not understand that intellectual property is the fundamental basis of our world economy, and also your job. Elliminate all IP you’ll get an iPhone that’s priced at $20. What is your recommendation for a communistic society where nobody will get rewarded for creativity and ingeneuity? How would that work exactly? I’m listening.
Anyone got store recs for non-english books? Or that mostly just gonna vary a ton by language?
Once again, “if buying isn’t owning, then piracy isn’t stealing.”
Guess we should also pirate all steam games too.
Several Steam games are DRM-free and don’t even need Steam to be installed to play them:
For those games, you can just make a copy of the game directory.
I do that. Every game I buy on Steam corresponds to a DRMless copy.
I always look on and GoG first!