Mexico is developing a cellphone app that will allow migrants to warn relatives and consulates if they think they are about to be detained by U.S. immigration officials.
It actually requests your password (vs email for HaveIBeenPwned) and checks it against rainbow tables. It doesn’t ask for other identifying information, so it’s okay, but feels super sketchy.
HIBP can check passwords. Some password managers integrate with it, like Bitwarden. Troy Hunt, the person behind HIBP works at Microsoft is a Microsoft MVP.
There’s one by …. Microsoft, I think?
It actually requests your password (vs email for HaveIBeenPwned) and checks it against rainbow tables. It doesn’t ask for other identifying information, so it’s okay, but feels super sketchy.
HIBP can check passwords. Some password managers integrate with it, like Bitwarden. Troy Hunt, the person behind HIBP
works at Microsoftis a Microsoft MVP.