No. When you give this much support to fascism you ARE a republican. Don’t Nancy out of this. If you have black friends but donate to your local KKK chapter, you ARE a racist piece of shit / republican. These tech bro fucks have well earned their titles - they are as republican as they come.
I assume he’s including himself in “tech leaders”.
That post about /technology not being about technology.jpg
Fuck Tim Sweeney but also duh.
Guess I‘ll pretend to despise them and call them fascists then.
that’s not pretending. that’s who the repuplicans are
Sucking dick for money knows no political party…only how to suck dick. That being said, the GOP sure specializes in it, just like all that Trump-on-Vlad action. Putin’s pecker must be worn the fuck OUT by now…but I wonder if even he knows the taste of Musko’s ‘cybertruck’?
I’m not buying it.
They still ripped off consumers and crushed competitors even when Trump wasn’t president and even when Republicans didn’t have control of the Senate/House. Fucking bullshit of top-tier level.
I would not fall for Tim’s sweet words. His vitriol is more aimed at his competitors than his admiration for what’s right for the people in our Government. And if his company could do what Apple is doing, he’d do it too. Gaming companies are the worse at this shit imo
This is of course, based on precisely nothing, but your feeling about PC exclusives on the Epic store, right?
The Trump administration is expected to be softer on antitrust cases, which as we know are one of Sweeney’s major pursuits.
Pretending? The upper class of capitalists have always favored the right. They’ll allow the milquetoast Dems but lock out people like Bernie just to make it look like there’s political choice.
Obvious is obvious.
To play devil’s advocate they probably aren’t just doing it to gain favor, but also to avoid harm.
Trump is definitely petty enough to hold a grudge and go after whoever doesn’t cozy up to him.
We’re right back to fucking feudalism really. The local lords and ladies all kissing the new emperor’s ring, while he’s wearing no clothes…
Also why they (Musk especially visibly amongst them) try to destabilize the EU - the possibly most effective consumer protection organization that messes with their bottom line.
edit: Just saw another example: