Back in my day we had to get our Internet at the village Internet well. I remember the dialup modem noises it made as you pulled the bucket up.
Back in my day we had to get our Internet at the village Internet well. I remember the dialup modem noises it made as you pulled the bucket up.
I don’t want to know what installing Windows looks like.
I’m pretty sure it involves slimy tentacles reaching into all your private areas/data.
Also, I’m pretty sure they can’t do shit about encapsulated data, such as VPN traffic.
MacOS is actually officially “UNIX” though. It has that going for it.
Yeah that sounds like a typical BMW engine layout.
I’m imagining a 30 year old Pentium Pro server grinding away in a broom closet somewhere. It’s next to the one still running the old Space Jam website.
I discovered this when I started doing embedded baremetal programming with no OS and using SD cards. It hit me like an anvil from the sky when I realized dirs are just files pointing to other files. With no OS services you have to open the dir file directly in the program and scan it for file entries to get a list of them and pointers to their actual locations in the media. Navigating down and back up a subdirectory tree has to be done entirely in programming by keeping track of where you’ve been. There’s nothing in the filesystem itself that will do that for you. It just tells you where you can physically locate data.
Debian user here, something wrong with getting the maximum lifespan you can out of devices and keeping them out of landfills?
Before I upgraded last year, I was still using an i7 from 2010 with 8GB RAM and a 1 TB mechanical spinning drive. I jumped to a 12 core socket AM5 Ryzen 9 with 64GB RAM and a 4TB SSD. When I upgrade, I do it all at once and make sure it can last and actually do use the machine for a decade or more. The one before the i7 (which is now a hand-me-down Minecraft box for my kid) was an Athlon XP from 2002 (still got that one in the basement, any retro collectors wanna clean it out for me? Case comes with big Quake and Nine Inch Nails logo stickers on the front applied by yours truly in my edgier days lol). In the span of 30 years I will have owned exactly three daily driver PCs.
I am totally this meme. My vehicles seem to follow the same pattern as well. Jumping from a tape deck to a touchscreen was fun.
Me: “What is this?” click