Porn sites are not accessible in Texas as companies cite the onerous process and privacy issues associated with setting up age verification.
Porn sites are not accessible in Texas as companies cite the onerous process and privacy issues associated with setting up age verification.
I can see some benefits to this.
It might actual get these nsfw a more official standing, as even today these types of sites are seen as small 3rd partys. They don’t have apps on Google play. But having these types of things in place might make nsfw sites more likely to get an appstore app in the future.
How in god’s good green earth does this law do any of that? It only legally binds American companies, and only where the site is mostly NSFW content.
Want porn? Go to a UK site. Or go to any site that’s 70% other content. Or if you’re 16 just Google “bikini” and wank to that.
This accomplishes nothing except the illusion of action, virtue signaling to Christians, and restriction of law abiding adults. Waste of time and money. They should be focusing on real things, the like fact Texas is poor and getting poorer.
“In what people are calling the Ashley Madison breach of the porn world, fifty million users real life identities and viewing habits have been released on numerous leak sites.”
No thanks, I’ll pass.
Yes. There are downsides such as privacy issues, but if it were to pass, it would give those types of sites, potentially some opportunities they wouldn’t have had before regarding official apps on appstores and just more legality assurance when a user is using them. It’s really a back and forth issue.
It really won’t. Apple doesn’t let any adult content of any kind on it, it’s a hard no. The playstore is likely similar but I honestly don’t know.
It has nothing to do with the fact that minors might get to it, and everything to do with image.
Regarding image, the question might be, would nsfw sites with Id checks be a step up regarding image to Apple and Google Play. Many of these types of sites don’t currently require a credit card, or any real age verification at all, usually very minimally. When any do require, it’s for users In select locations.
No. It would not. Apple would never willingly be seen as “selling smut” on their official store.