I tried looking at the reviews for a monitor, and when I clicked “see more reviews” I got redirected to a page asking me to login and to provide my mobile phone number (which I didn’t do for privacy reasons).
On Instagram I was confused at everyone else mentioning Instagram stories because I only have the option of uploading pictures and videos. Then I found out that it’s something you can only do if you use Instagram on a phone… I swear I’ve came across a few sites that wouldn’t even let you sign up if you were using a PC
I only ever browse social media on a PC and that’s the way it will always be. Sometimes I can’t help but feel like desktop/computer users are becoming an afterthought. Anyone else have similar feelings? 🫠
You mean the narrow kinda look? I also have a large monitor and prefer the bigger/wider versions too since I find it easier on the eyes and it looks less weird. I know UI design isn’t easy but it’d be nice if there was an option for that for the reason you mention.
Yeh right in the center of the screen in a column. Bonus hate if there’s no dark mode.
Think it annoys me more as I work for a Web app company in infrastructure and know there’s some tricks to make it look decent enough.
That said I bitched and moaned for a dark mode for our internal instance before they did anything about it.
I’m sure you know about browser extensions like Dark Reader that can force websites to be dark mode. ( I wish it could work beyond the browser as well )
Uhm, browser has a window mode, just so you know.
So? All that means is the window isn’t using the full screen.
Yes, space for other stuff.
What i want to say is, that barely anyone uses their FHD+ display to have the browser in fullscreen. (Or the blind TO with bigger text size)
That’s fine when when I’m doing other stuff. Most of the time I’m not
Ans since when has my a Personal annoyances have anything to do with most people
Well… developers develop for most people, except if you pay them to do your wishes.
Of course your not wrong. Doesn’t make it any less annoying
Mine is.
Btw: https://lemmy.ml/comment/16150736
When you only have the browser open, you have it maximized. Also I think you mean screen size not resolution, as my phone and laptop are both “FHD” (1080p?), and my phone defo isn’t big enough to use the browser splitscreen.
It’s been studied quite extensively, and there’s a limit to the width on most pages for a reason. Your eyes have a harder time tracking a very wide width, and it’s easier to read in a column like that. Even newspapers do it, because it’s a well-researched topic.