I can only speak for sweden and france, and age isn’t a that big deal here either. Maybe sweden have changed I don’t know, I grew up there in the nineties and if there was a specific age limit (15?) nobody cared if both was onboard with it.
Ich glaube du kannst über das Aufenthaltsbestimmungsrecht entscheiden “wo” sie sich aufhält. Also ihr im Prinzip verbieten sich in der Nähe von dem Typen aufzuhalten.
Natürlich die Frage ob du das tun willst. Ansonsten hilft immer: reden reden reden.
Not illegal here in Germany…
Wtf… What would be considered illegal?
Age of consent in Germany is 14, if the partner is 21 or younger. Otherwise the age of consent is 16.
“Nooooo, c’mon, you gotta get outta here before the police or whoever show up. What do you have in Switzerland? Pikemen?”
“I don’t know. I am from Germany. Where the age of consent is 14…”
“What is it? The Alabama of Europe??!”
“In many ways, yes.”
Man, I miss Jessica Walter :(
Well…she wasn’t in that clip.
Also yes.
I know just got me thinking about archer and then her
Not da mama! bonk!
Yes. That was her. She was the mama.
…did I just blow your mind?
🤭 🎼🎶danger zone …
I can only speak for sweden and france, and age isn’t a that big deal here either. Maybe sweden have changed I don’t know, I grew up there in the nineties and if there was a specific age limit (15?) nobody cared if both was onboard with it.
France supports pedos and rapists openly so not the brightest example.
I just showed how it is/was from personal experience, with your attitude (quite childish I must say!) no country is viable.
Sorry, where are you from? It seems like I should be either apologizing for a countryman or crossing a place to visit off my list.
I’m Swedish.
80s: In my friend circle a 20 year old left his 15 yo partner for a 14 yo. They became parents.
90s: I “dated” (that means fucked) a 38 year old when I was 22.
00s: I realized the 16 yo intended for me to be their first. I was 27 and declined.
00s: My 20 yo partner paraded me around like a trophy. I was 34.
Enjoy life, people.
Ich glaube du kannst über das Aufenthaltsbestimmungsrecht entscheiden “wo” sie sich aufhält. Also ihr im Prinzip verbieten sich in der Nähe von dem Typen aufzuhalten.
Natürlich die Frage ob du das tun willst. Ansonsten hilft immer: reden reden reden.
What’s the age of consent in Germany?
Edit It’s… 14.[2], wow…
14 only if the partner is within a certain age (21 or 25 I think, but idk). Otherwise it is 16.