Croatia is currently facing a sharp rise in consumer prices, leaving many citizens frustrated and angry.
In response, a grassroots movement is calling for a nationwide boycott of shopping and supermarket chains on Friday, 24 January.
A viral message circulating on social media urges people to refra
Apparently some retailers have already made one-day discounts on some products. They’re scared. Good.
Makes me think of water limitation regimes where they ration water over certain hours when there’s a draught. One would think that people would consume the same water over different periods. But it turns out that the consequence is that less water is consumed. I guess here it’s similar. You’ll still buy your bread and milk, but probably won’t pass by for chewing gum when you just instantly feel like it.
Makes me think of water limitation regimes where they ration water over certain hours when there’s a draught. One would think that people would consume the same water over different periods. But it turns out that the consequence is that less water is consumed. I guess here it’s similar. You’ll still buy your bread and milk, but probably won’t pass by for chewing gum when you just instantly feel like it.