Ok basically what the title ask. There are so many note taking apps available and also the good old notepad, but, how do you take notes? What do you actually take-keep notes on? Is it like complicated things or simple ones?

All time times that I started using an app or a pen and paper intended up just using a simple reminder for things. Others I just remember.

  • helpImTrappedOnline@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I have a few methods.

    1. Post-it notes on the desk/wallet/steering wheel etc.
    2. Simple Note Multiplatform; android, windows, iphone, and everyone’s favorite mac linux. Like the name says, its simple and syncs. Operated or owned by same people behind WordPress.com and source is on github…although cloud synced I assume 0 privacy or backup.
    3. Notes I actually want long term end up on paper or a text document.
    4. Calendar events with email reminders.
    5. Email to self (has low success rate)
    6. Set alarm or timmer. The random alarm jogs my memory.