Process 1 is running mission-critical maintenance tasks – Making backups, defragmenting memory, checking hardware, updating software (…)
Process 2 is just in real time taking whatever Process 1 reads or writes and dumping it raw into a file without any interpretation.
Process 3 then takes whatever Process 2 has spat out, and attempts to interpret it through various AI models, generating images, sounds, text, whatever, based on the input from Process 2.
Three concurrent processes.
Process 1 is running mission-critical maintenance tasks – Making backups, defragmenting memory, checking hardware, updating software (…)
Process 2 is just in real time taking whatever Process 1 reads or writes and dumping it raw into a file without any interpretation.
Process 3 then takes whatever Process 2 has spat out, and attempts to interpret it through various AI models, generating images, sounds, text, whatever, based on the input from Process 2.