Light Yagami could get pretty elaborate with what he required people to act out in a Death Note, but I’m not sure exactly how to destabilize our globalist economy with only one page. It likely starts with using the leader of a capitalist country to kill a large swath of it’s billionaire class at once, then forcing said leader to support the nationalization of healthcare, food production, transportation, mineral extraction, etc before trying to influence other capitalist nations to take the same path for the rest of their life before heart attack inevitably gets them. The problem is that I really think you only get to write this for one leader, due to the space requirements. I guess as long as the assumption that all the world’s ills stem from America it’s fine, but isn’t Murdoch currently operating out of Australia? Missing even a few key billionaires with the initial murder leaves a lot of powerful opposition.
If you simply take the top 3-5 leaders in the top 20 countries by gdp, it would destabilize the world immensely. Even if they all just died of a heart attack and nothing else happened. That’s 100 names, you could fit that in one side probably.
Yeah but utter destabilization isn’t the goal. A complete collapse of the current power structure would just allow corporate interests to assume direct control in the name of peacekeeping. The goal is to use my wishfish to get us toward an egalitarian society, not plunge us into chaos. Have to destroy the old ways while guiding to a new way.
Light Yagami could get pretty elaborate with what he required people to act out in a Death Note, but I’m not sure exactly how to destabilize our globalist economy with only one page. It likely starts with using the leader of a capitalist country to kill a large swath of it’s billionaire class at once, then forcing said leader to support the nationalization of healthcare, food production, transportation, mineral extraction, etc before trying to influence other capitalist nations to take the same path for the rest of their life before heart attack inevitably gets them. The problem is that I really think you only get to write this for one leader, due to the space requirements. I guess as long as the assumption that all the world’s ills stem from America it’s fine, but isn’t Murdoch currently operating out of Australia? Missing even a few key billionaires with the initial murder leaves a lot of powerful opposition.
If you simply take the top 3-5 leaders in the top 20 countries by gdp, it would destabilize the world immensely. Even if they all just died of a heart attack and nothing else happened. That’s 100 names, you could fit that in one side probably.
Yeah but utter destabilization isn’t the goal. A complete collapse of the current power structure would just allow corporate interests to assume direct control in the name of peacekeeping. The goal is to use my wishfish to get us toward an egalitarian society, not plunge us into chaos. Have to destroy the old ways while guiding to a new way.