I realized very quickly after buying gummy vitamins that it was a bad idea for this exact reason. Made me was gummy candy really bad on a daily basis.
Who counts individual gummies as they are eating them?
Someone with ADHD ?
And failing at counting so it’s some 120+ of them.
-jordan_stratton’s liver
PSA: Definitely don’t do this. It’ll fuck you up proper.
For some reason I thought you were linking the LA Beast
Wait are vitamins a slang for edibles? I almost commented something about them not being vitamins either but then realized i could have a whoosh moment.
I too assumed they were talking about marijuana gummies even though I’m fully aware there are also gummy vitamins
I did the same thing once but they were marijuana gummies
Not sure how many I ended up eating, but I went to my grandmother’s house one day. She was the kind of little old lady that had bowls of candy on every table in the house. The day I came over, I was helping her move the appliances in her kitchen around, so she could clean. She had a bowl of gummy bears on the counter. Gummy candy is my favorite, so I ate the whole thing while I waited for her to sweep before I moved an appliance out, or back into place. When she went to wipe down the counter she realized it was empty and asked if I ate it. I said yeah, and she informed me they were fiber supplements, of which one dose was 2, and I apparently had eaten an entire bag of them she got from Sam’s club.
That night sucked.
I hope you didn’t eat 67 of them. I once ate three brownies, which were spaced without my knowledge, and on this night I flew to the moon and came back the next day at noon. While at work. That was a different experience.
Some people I know do 1g/piece edibles. (they sell them at the shop near me)
I have two favorite stories about marijuana treats (not my own stories)
Fuck me
That’s like half an ounce all at once
Dude, he took 1000mg. Spaces are important.
I can relate to both and approve the messages.
Some of the vitamins in a multi-vite gummy, such as vitamin A, are not OK in high doses.
The 100% recommendation for several of them is a maximum.
And for others the daily recommended has been considered far too low for a long time (US example).
Last I checked the consensus is to skip the multi. A fistful of kale, spinach, arugula, or similar dark leaves will tend to have a more balanced profile and far lower risk of trace heavy metals and other contaminants.
TLDR: Popeye was right. Want to be strong to the finish? Eat dat spinach!
for me it’s either the gummy or nothing. ADHD makes daily tasks like eating something specific every day impossible. Even with the gummy I forgot to make my medicine today too 😭