That’s actually what I bought, too.
That’s actually what I bought, too.
I just bought a printer. Everything I saw said that if you print infrequently then you don’t want an inkjet. They’re very prone to clogging if left alone for a while. Went with a laser printer instead.
I don’t know if it matters, but I just bought a Canon laser printer. Didn’t see anywhere about forced subscription options for toner.
I’ve shot both, but don’t consider myself an expert by any means. For pure “ease”, I would say a firearm. If you can rest the gun on a table or tripod, even more so. Smaller firearms, like handguns, would be a “little” more difficult to aim.
Bows, on the other hand, would depend on the type. Recurve bows will usually have a lighter draw weight and harder to aim since you’re holding back the entire weight of the bow the entire time. Compound bows are my preferred type. You can more easily work a heavier draw because the bow kinda “locks” into place at full draw, requiring MUCH less effort to keep it there. My compound bow has a sight on it and I found shooting it a much more enjoyable and consistent experience than that of my wife’s recurve.
I got kinda rambling about it, but for pure “ease”, a firearm is my choice. I find a bow to be a more satisfying experience, however.
Destiny 2 for me. Unless I’m playing with friends (never happens because they hate comp and trials), I just keep my voice muted. They don’t need to hear me raging, I don’t need them making me feel worse than I already do. The text chat is bad enough.
Fuentes is getting uncomfortable? “Just kidding” he says. I fucking hate people like this. Same people that googled if they could change their election vote.
I can’t be seen without my glasses!
Getting to the lighthouse is easier now.
This Friday has him appear in New York for his case vs. the state. 100 Centre Street, Part 32, New York, NY 10013 @ 1415. I’m guessing it’s local time.
Unless we start investing in Futurama’s head-in-jar technology, I don’t think we’d have to see some of those people alive in 30 years.
At least Steam is taking steps to make sure you don’t buy a shitty cash grab by labeling Early Access games that haven’t been updated in a while.
You can blame it all, on, me!
But that’s just a theory.
Now I want one where the president and trump are Heil-ing each other a high five.
I have two favorite stories about marijuana treats (not my own stories)
Sad thing is, they’d probably try to vote him in a third time anyway.
It’s been 2020 for 5 years.
This week, last week, probably next week too. Let’s slow down. No need to get too carried away.
Face gets rounder.