In the unauthorised version shown on Tencent Video, Durden is still shot and killed, but the final scene of the buildings exploding is replaced with a black screen and words that say the police discovered the plan, stopped it, and sent the Narrator to an asylum.
Wasn’t there a war in this film?
Hot take, but it’s not like people understood the plot of that movie anyway, lol.
Take a film/book about toxic masculinity and the dangers of capitalist societies and a bunch of 20 year old boys with daddy issues will forget any message and worship Tyler forever after.
Arguably the movie makes the point harder to see. The book is a lot more clear about it. Similar to A Clockwork Orange
The number of copies of the A Clockwork Orange book that omit the last chapter is too damn high.
I haven’t read the book but I’ve watched the movie. What’s the last chapter about and why’s it cut?
It’s about an older Alex, still stuck in his ways, rethinking his life and considering “growing up,” dropping the life of crime and having a family.
Burgess was notoriously disappointed in the omission of the final chapter:
There is no hint of this change of intention in the twentieth chapter. The boy is conditioned, then deconditioned, and he foresees with glee a resumption of the operation of free and violent will. ‘I was cured all right,’ he says, and so the American book ends. So the film ends too. The twenty-first chapter gives the novel the quality of genuine fiction, an art founded on the principle that human beings change. There is, in fact, not much point in writing a novel unless you can show the possibility of moral transformation, or an increase in wisdom, operating in your chief character or characters. Even trashy bestsellers show people changing. When a fictional work fails to show change, when it merely indicates that human character is set, stony, unregenerable, then you are out of the field of the novel and into that of the fable or the allegory. The American or Kubrickian Orange is a fable; the British or world one is a novel. (Burgess xii)
It is also to be noted that it was the 21st chapter, which he viewed as the age that we truly hit “adulthood” and that was a purposeful literary choice to appeal to the idea that Alex could grow and change.
I couldn’t tell you why it was cut, nor why Kubrick declined to use it, but American versions often have it cut.
Oh wow. That is very American to do
I was skeptical, but the New York Times agrees.
Now I’m kind of wondering how many anti-authoritarian movies out there have altered Chinese versions.
Trusting NYT about China is insane
Did you ever read the book? China’s ending is closer to the book ending.
Yes and no. Yes the plot was stopped. No in that the end card implies it was stopped cold and clean.
Book implies the tylor peronality may be dead or may not be, but project meyhem still lives on.
I guess they really wanted to ignore how Project Mayhem had already infiltrated the police, eh?
That’s only literally part of the plot…
Noooooooyou’ve had an account for almost three years, and this is your only comment? 😅
Everything else aside, that’s kind of interesting.
Since we’re on a decentralized service, you won’t see every post of a user unless you go to their profile on their instance. You’re responding to a Mastodon user, so most of her posts will be invisible to you because Lemmy does not support microblogging. It’s a bit of a confusing quirk on the Fediverse - you always have to visit people’s own instance in order to see their full profile.
A quick look on Mastodon discloses that she’s been posting punk and anti-fascist content for years. :)
What the hell for? If you want to censor the ending of a film after allowing people to watch the whole thing … why not just censor the whole thing and not allow it anywhere. The fact that everyone watched it will now make everyone who saw it want to see the actual ending.
It’s like giving things to a teenager and then telling them they can’t have the last minute, the last inch, the last piece or the last word … you know full well they will do whatever it takes to get that last piece just to spite you.
Had that been considered necessary, it would have been done.
It’s actually really effective. People are going to hear about a movie and if they feel like they already saw the movie, that’s the end of it. If it’s banned completely, they might get a bootleg DVD and watch the entire uncensored movie.
Kinda like how TikTokers think they’re well informed, and don’t bother seeking out information elsewhere. But try finding anything out about what’s happening in Hong Kong, the Uighurs, or Tianamen Square on TikTok. It’s just not there yet people using that platform never consider what information they aren’t seeing as long as there’s enough there to make it feel like it’s not missing anything.
China is actually really good at censorship. When people see 95% of things they generally won’t put effort into finding the other 5%.
So, to clarify… ONE Chinese company recently edited the ending, which the author himself said more closely matches the book…
Sketchy but also not “China censors film!” Considering they basically showed all of it and slapped a title at the end to make it more like the book
Sorta ya sorta naw?
The explosion never happened in the book. Narrator was taken to an assisted care facility/minamal security facility that specialized in treatment and supposedly this was after ‘tylor’ died.
One of the orderlies handing him his pills leans in ‘we’re waiting for you taylor.’ pointing at the idea that no… project mayhem is not dead.’
So while TECHNICALLY closer? The tone is absolutely nothing like the original ending.
argue with the author of the article. it was something i learnt today.
The author of the article said this? I am summarizing YOUR article lol
did i write the article?
No you just misread it and misrepresented it on social media! What bad stuff ever came from people doing that /s
I copy and pasted the article paragraph verbatim.
I copy and pasted stuff that fit my headline and ignored where the article said the original author was cool with it and the fact that this literally just happened, not on initial Chinese release of the film
lol k.
On-brand for that movie, anyway, tbh.
Aahh … the good shit comments sections were made for! Thank you!
We’re not supposed to talk about this
Kind of like how they killed off Poochie
“Tyler Durden died on his way to prison”
Tyler lost his organs because he was a naughty boy. Don’t be like him.
“…in Taiwan, China”