It actually would be endemic, not pandemic. But sudden waves of car deaths, just constant suffering.
came here to post this. thanks for the advance :)
This week, world leaders met for the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Morocco to assess progress, share knowledge and advance actions to halve road deaths by 2030.
They have adopted the new Marrakech Declaration, which recognises road safety as an urgent public health and development priority, and that our efforts must be guided by the principles of equity, accessibility and sustainability. The declaration calls on leaders to step up efforts. We need a step-change in political will, a sense of urgency, evidence-based strategies that are costed and implemented, strong coordination and adequate financing.
Only one that saw people carrying gigantic blunts on their heads in this Pic?
As someone unfortunately in the US, we have a different approach to viral pandemics. Many of us submit to viral supremacy and fall in line (deny proven methods of pathogen spread / buy killer trucks and oppose efforts for mass transit and safer transportation options). Then we rush to accept the virus as “endemic” (if not simply “God’s will”).