Because they make it easier to stay on target for rapid fire shots.
Go ahead and try to tell me that a brace doesn’t make a AR pistol more dangerous to a crowd. I’ve heard this argument a thousand times and I have worked out every angle. Let’s just be honest?
I feel like I have no place. Gun nuts completely ignore reality, gun haters have no real plan for change.
I’m curious how you feel about Hunter Biden being charged with a felony for saying he did not use any drugs on his gun registration. Almost every shooter I know is guilty of the exact same crime, yet everyone thinks it’s okay because he’s a Democrat lol. The second amendment only exists for those who you like 😂
I’ll be honest, as a gun owner I completely despise the gun community. Especially the 3D printed gun community. Filled with Nazi dog whistles, The most popular full auto loophole is called the SS
Why do old gun nuts ignore the beginning of every interpretation and rewriting of the second amendment? “well regulated”
The nuts will not care until it is their child who is turned into pink mist.
Do you know how many Democrats I have met who actually want to ban all guns? Zero. You are just parroting Fox News talking points that make the left seem like they are anti-freedom.
Go far enough left and you get your guns back.
We don’t want to strip the world of guns, we want to strip guns from those who have violent intentions and mental illness. I’m willing to bet that you agree with this and you are probably further left on this than you actually think you are
Does your opinion on braces change or do you still think that they Don’t make an AR-15 more dangerous having one? I would love to go to the range with you we can take the brace off of my AR and shoot the target, then put it back on and shoot the target. I guarantee you will miss the paper at least once without the brace. This is not me saying they should be illegal. But people like you keep trying to say that braces don’t do anything, that is an outright lie
This discussion means absolutely nothing if people have bad faith arguments. And I’m talking about both sides