I’ll balance her out - zero most years. It doesn’t taste good enough to start adding sweetener to things
I’ll balance her out - zero most years. It doesn’t taste good enough to start adding sweetener to things
There was huge demand - if they had released what was promised for the promised price in the promised year it would have been the only EV truck, have capabilities beyond any EV car, while also being among the lowest price EVs.
I’m generally not interested in a truck but was tempted by the original announcement. However what we finally got was an easy “no”
wtf would you put that on apple pie? Pie deserves a nice sharp white cheddar
Dude, what did the Prius do to you?
I rarely use a printer now that my kids are in college. When it dies, I had a choice between laser printer, Brother inkjet, or none. “None” is now my first choice
We have great examples of things sold as parts or kits to be assembled
Take handguns as an example. If a murder weapon can be assembled from parts with only the frame 3d printed, and avoid similar laws for traceability, surely a printer is an easier task
I have a commitment to drive my kid home from college for a weekend with his friends. It’s a personal commitment that I take seriously. It’s in my heart…… but I’m not calling it a contract
I just like clear terminology. If he’s using wording for a legally sanctioned partnership then I understand it as a legally sanctioned partnership. I don’t entirely care but you don’t get to claim words that mean one thing to mean another thing, although I’ll take obvious slang or satire
No, but he used terminology that implied a legally sanctioned contract. That’s potentially misleading/wrong. It’s lying. But it doesn’t mean anything specific about the state of whatever relationship he may have
People can do whatever they want with their relationships, but if they want a union recognized by the government and the advantages conferred by that, then yes the state can regulate that
There was even that one announcement of some sort of internal breaker to prevent thermal runaway even in a damaged standard lithium ion battery.
What happens if sms 2fa is phased out, and more sites require either an Authenticator app or passkey?
My workplace requires an Authenticator app, actually multiple, and help with my phone bill in return for doing that in my personal device. I don’t know what they do if someone had a feature phone
I went here as well, but managed to turn it around. I now have more belief in America being a great country, but as an ideal, as something we need to work hard toward. I’ve become a lot more progressive as I see what it would take to live up to this myth about ourselves. Let’s do it. Let’s do it for our children, for the next generation, for a better world tomorrow! Lets start small and local, be the neighbor you thought you had, show the empathy we all deserve, make America a Community again
Depending on which part your friend is interested in, YouTube may serve.
Sure, I’ll admit it. My ex and I took fairly traditional family roles, but that was because we both chose it. Also, I could afford it by virtual of a good college education and a well-paying white collar job.
So if you prefer that style of family life, you really need to focus on
Here’s your challenge, republicans, this is how to support such a lifestyle successfully. Do this and people who want such a lifestyle can choose it without being forced, and they can afford it: empower those people to succeed, while not trying to force it on scenarios it will fail. This is the right wing agenda we can all aspire to
If you’ve seen anything about Matter, it most likely talks about Thread as well. They usually go together
All you gotta do is follow the law, the law of gravity. Start at the top and work your way down.
I hate this so much - it usually ends up looking like shit on my phone while leaving huge empty margins on my monitor. Browser autoscaling usually just works - why do ui designers think they need to reinvent it … poorly?
Hey that’s a great idea for the euros with actual consumer protection - as a next step to the consent popups, you should limit how many things you can consent to at once. For example, if users had yet another pop up for the next ten “necessary partners” they would quickly abandon sites that made them do that
That’s my feeling as well, but it would be great if any data exists. Most of the intentional LEDs may be super tight but also have very sharp cutoffs, no problem
How many of these blinding headlights are