My phone service provider used to do daily roulette type giveaways.
I won a free return flight to basically anywhere in Europe.
I actually never did anything with it, because at the time I couldn’t afford to pay for someone else to go with me (I would have gone with my partner).
I regret not just flying on my own, but them’s the rubs - I was, and am, a bit of an idiot.
I also once won a game key by making a funny YouTube comment on a Unit Lost video once too - but I never used that either; it wasn’t a game I was interested in, I just liked to watch the vids for a bit of a laugh.
I don’t win much, but when I do I squander my wins.
I feel this way about most love recordings of podcasts (or anything for that matter, with the exception of standup comedy) - if I wanted live episodes I’d go see them live.