Irony is how fucking stupid you are…
Irony is how fucking stupid you are…
Funny given his own acceptance speech…
You chose an example that undoes any example you could provide?
Again “any substance at all?”
Remind me, when did Obama dismantle the dept of education, or fire most of the state dept? Memory serves he actually signed bills that extended gun ownership. You could now conceal carry in a park cause of Obama…
So now what is the issue?
When did democrats do half of what’s going on now?
When did Jimmy Carter do that? Never?
So why are dems considered the same as this?
Any substance any thing at all?
I feel hypocritical cause my dog pretty much slept on my chest while the work got done. If your dog is doing more than that then yea leave that shit at home.
That being said my lil Frank Zappa was better than most coworkers.
Same court that refused to curtail any trump actions while overturning every liberal bill ever passed? That court that has mad themselves the Arbiter of every future presidency while aligning themselves with conservatives and constantly putting themselves above any form of recourse? The same court that refuses to institute any form of control on their bribes? How dense are you?
Given these times it’s hard to parse what is “supported” versus “encouraged”… at this point if you have someone not actively pushing back against nazis it’s suspect. Shit is getting back and white. So it’s not weird to see a bunch of comments think twice…
“Draped in a flag and holding a cross” came true. Sorry.
Back in the day when my grandfather had a shack in Canada for the summers he would wear a Canada flag hat from time to time. People complimented him on it. This was in the 80s when pride in your country wasn’t associated with “nationalism” and sort of racial pride. Now-a-days even a Canadian flag holds weirdo connotations not even getting into the American flag…
10 out of 10
Can they do that with any other airframe? Do they have godlike controls in any other condition?
Cute. Sucking the model’s dick doesn’t mean you got this… they won’t kill you. You’re doing that yourself…
But smile away…
Again you aren’t responding to anything and making stuff up. The aweeehaaa stuff you quoted is nonsense you made up and took from the aether. You have no sense to your argument and your only substance is a picture of a donkey. Thats your strength?
Do I need to quote your pic of a donkey to make my point? You are not coming off as competent at all…
> Who did you copy? What’s the aweehaaa shit? is that *not* what you said? my mistake.
As someone else said you have offered the “most cursed take of the day”
Keep on like my reply is the “donkey show”… whatever that is supposed to mean… you’re giving us the show.
You replied to someone else, while you called my response a “donkey show”… all while spewing more dumb shit. Keep up.
Who did you quote? What’s the aweehaaa shit? Are you fluent in jackass or just a native idiot and trying to justify your stupidity?
Either way it’s cool. We see you from a mile a way. Real code gets used from folks that are better than you. Reality is that you don’t get along with humans so they don’t want to want to get along with you. So the world works different. Get a clue.
We know what it’s like to work with you. You are obvious and we are fluent in reading you.
I’ll give you up to ten years to figure out how toxic you are. Hee haw all you like…
Keep your opinion to yourself while you try to work with OTHER people.
“As a dev myself…”
“Users of my code = donkeys”
Logically, where the fuck does this end other than you sucking your own dick? Just write code for yourself and shut up.
Keep in kind I’m using logic to ask a dev…
Why WOULD ANYONE need to hear your opinion if you think EVERYONE else is a donkey?
Meh, the country dropped a trillion on fucking around with Iraq and voters kept reelecting republicans.
Trump won an election, think about that. After his shit show of a first term… no one in the US gives a fuck