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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • A literal monkey elected to office would do less harm than Trump and the modern Republican party. We can keep arguing that the Dems are the lesser of two evils but until they radically change and grow a spine it’s only delaying the inevitable descent into chaos.

    As for Dems responding to protestors, are you forgetting so soon how the Dems responded to the Palestine protesters over the summer?

  • The modern Democratic party fights harder against its own “base” than they do against the opposing party. People still came out in droves to vote for them despite that but their dedication to complacency in a system that is failing everybody but the rich left enough people behind to tip the scales. The Dems have enabled this and anybody who expects them to save us from it is delusional.

  • Yeah but back to my original question, what does “being political” really mean here? Because we’ve established that this is all inherently political and there’s really no way to not be political in this context.

    The way she uses it and the way you are using it implies that “being political” is just another way of saying someone is being dissonant, controversial, or are otherwise out of line in a political context. Which I think is harmful and the reason American politics is so fucked. So many of us are uncomfortable with opposing viewpoints and we’d rather not talk about it so we bestow the black mark of “being political” upon those who deviate from the tribal consensus.

  • Wouldn’t it stand to argue that almost anything to do with Trump is political considering he’s the president and the context here is Trump breaking promises made during a political campaign to persuade people to vote for him in a political election?

    I’m being a bit pedantic here. It’s clear what she meant was closer to, “Here’s my controversial take, don’t come after me”. But suggesting that you’re not being political in an inherently political matter just goes to show how little these people actually think critically.

  • I’m a senior software dev that uses AI to help me with my job daily. There are endless tools in the software world all with their own instructions on how to use them. Often they have issues and the solutions aren’t included in those instructions. It used to be that I had to go hunt down any references to the problem I was having though online forums in the hopes that somebody else figured out how to solve the issue but now I can ask AI and it generally gives me the answer I’m looking for.

    If I had AI when I was still learning core engineering concepts I think shortcutting the learning process could be detrimental but now I just need to know how to get X done specifically with Y this one time and probably never again.

  • Objects like an unbreakable stick are still composed of atoms suspended in space and held together by the fundamental forces of nature. When you push on one end, the other end doesn’t immediately move with it but rather the object experiences a wave of compression traveling through it. This wave of compression travels faster than we can perceive but still cannot travel faster than light.

    Look up why arrows bend after they’ve been released by a bow, it’s essentially the same mechanic.

  • Generally, I believe the convenience of cheap shit delivered to your door comes at the invisible cost of exploitative labor practices and/or excessive consumerism by the means of low quality crap that will need to be replaced regularly or through “buy more and save” deals. If you want to avoid supporting that, you’re probably going to have to spend a few extra bucks buying from a smaller business or buying secondhand.

    Convenience isn’t free and if we want to reduce our dependence on harmful institutions we’re going to have to make some sacrifices.