You Americans see racism everywhere, even if there’s none.
You Americans see racism everywhere, even if there’s none.
It’s important to prepare in advance for the iron fist dictatorship that will replace the previous system
Really isn’t. Its from propaganda poster “Bij Bolszewika” from 1920s when there were no black people neither in Poland nor in Russia.
As US citizen you’re on the hook for US income tax. No matter where you live
OpenRA existed since a long time - You could play in 4k on modern windows since many years. EA didn’t do anything revolutionary really
The theory part is technically correct. The practice is a result of very narrow window of tolerance for humans
Prove it.
Asking to prove non-existance of something. Typical.
Free will doesn’t exist in the first place
Same exact cars but with button navigated non-touch screens.
I love it!
Jesus finally. Death to touch screens in cars
Wait until someone starts complaining about bad GUI…
Can you use HDR in KDE? Only desktop Can you use HDR in game? Only with gamescope with dozen flags Can you use native wayland in proton? No unless you go through complex hoops.
“Finished” isn’t worth a jack shit if it doesn’t work out of the box
Basically as tall as tallest mountains - 8km before gravity starts overcoming the materials. Using stronger materials would allow building higher, but not too much
The good stuff with no censorship can be only run locally anyway
webp sucks, because its unsupported by really anything
I don’t even
Nice! They’re cooking hard - At this point Nvidia should pay Epic to make next Unreal engine even slower
This place isn’t any better. Post you were answering to, got removed xD
but I do want to call for violence.
You want a witch hunt. But you’re not getting it.
Well you could learn a thing or two from a country that was never racist in the first place.