• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • Who is?

    Who made Trump happen?

    I’m sorry you feel powerless to affect your country, but there is no one else to. Abdicating that responsibility neither removes the consequences, nor exculpates you.

    In a rioting mob, even the people not setting fire to things are in part responsible for the riots.

    In your survival, head-in-the-sand, mode you are normalising the situation, you are providing legitimacy, you are enforcing the current order.

    The other side can say “look, this dude’s not protesting, they have a great life under Great Leader”, they can ignore you and put those resources to oppress others instead (women, trans, homosexuals, foreigners, allies), they can march right past your house to take the capital.

    Your inaction is also a choice, a choice that emboldens and enables the fascists.

    If you don’t act, who should? If you don’t act now, will there be another time?

  • You’re over simplifying the first, and conflating the other.

    The MLK protests made change on the back of decades of campaigning together with multiple organisations applying different types of pressure and activism for the same goal, including president Kennedy, and several PR disasters for the opposition.

    As for the 2001 attacks, what would you say was their political goal? Was it fulfilled by those attacks? If not, I’d scratch that up as a failed attempt.

  • Street protests are one of several necessary activities for a change movement. They can help build awareness and let off some steam, but need considerable mass to affect change on their own.

    More change happens when paired with organised political action, strikes, obstruction, PR and ofc violence/terror.

    The trick is to coordinate the sides towards the goal. Only street protests or only terror won’t do anything, but pulling together you did get 8 hour workdays,or more recently grain import regulations (in Poland).

    Then again, a million protesters over three months, including transport striking and uncoordinated violence, did not affect the French pension age.

  • Why don’t realtors share their closing prices? Seems like a good marketing tactic - “look how much I can get you for this thing”.

    You could also take a look at listing prices for land of different types. Or even just call realtors and say you’re interested in buying something similar to yours and ask what the range is for them.

    You could probably also buy this data from a data broker for cheap.

    EtA, you could probably also hire someone on fiverr or upwork to do this research.