Your time is your time. Work time or things related to work are work hours. I will die on that hill.
I’ve seen some good responses here, definitely take their advice.
The only time this happened to me (received the request via indeed) was when their current person was leaving (only one in that position and was integral for the company to run) and they would have to temporarily shut down if they didn’t have someone new in.
But they were very upfront about it and I had an in-person interview and tour of the place beforehand.
My previous one was from someone reaching out via indeed. I only left because it was supposed to be a temporary thing while I found a career job. Worked out for what it was.
Yeah…I try to not dwell on his questionable (very wrong and racist) ideas he had, and focus on the cosmic horror. 100 % adjective-y (never really thought about his work like that, but it’s too true haha).
I just liked the quote disregarding his ideas. I even used it on the cover page of my thesis.
I do quite like the memes of HP’s most nightmarish situation being in an elevator with a Welsh person, or having AC. They’re pretty spot on.
Anyways, I just wanted to make sure no one thought I agree with his views, I just like the cosmic horror.
You wouldn’t make it to the MRI. They’d be attracted to the magnet before you entered the MRI. Not too sure how close to the magnet you could get, but maybe a few feet?
I’d assume it depends on the strength of the magnet and efficiency of shielding (assuming MRIs have some shielding.
You’ll make it. I, too, fell for it.
The only one. Deprived. But yeah. I guess there’s some investment before it’s good. Especially getting it fully ranked with chaos.
The first time using a zweihander.
Coming from Utica, I was expecting steamed hams.
Make them wear a big, veiny drawing of a penis on their forehead. At least it’s slightly easier to identify them.
Creative minds are uneven, and the best of fabrics have their dull spots.
H.P. Lovecraft
Fight the power. ✊🏿
I’m glad for it. Although the federal election is looming in the near distance. I really hope bootleg T***P (I just call him PP) doesn’t get elected.
I did the same but music was my original thought. But then I wasn’t sure what I’d do with a music degree.
Overall, I’m not disappointed with my education. But I’d stop at a MSc if I had to redo it.
I had to. Just hear him saying “cumming” is hilarious. Also when he says that he gave the new guy the “wrong advices”.
What a cunt. I thought everyone knew this (to follow service dogs if they try to get your attention alone). Plus, why would you swat away any dog if it just wants your attention?