Check out the bodyweight fitness subreddit if you want bodyweight stuff. Their wiki and the r/fitness wiki is really good.
I had good success running their recommended program as a beginner and also when traveling.
Check out the bodyweight fitness subreddit if you want bodyweight stuff. Their wiki and the r/fitness wiki is really good.
I had good success running their recommended program as a beginner and also when traveling.
Ah gotcha thanks. I thought you were referencing a contribution limit workaround
What’s the workaround?
Gives me hope about a visa thanks for the response
Are you a citizen in Norway? Asking because that sounds nice
I was doing trade work, went to college, and now it’s looking like I’m going back. At least college was free.
Can’t do electrical anymore because of CA licensing requirements for trainees (moved here 7 years ago or so), will probably do carpentry or plumbing.
Any tips for what to get into? I’ve been not working w my hands for 5+ years. No licenses, usually did odd jobs to get by. Was an electrical apprentice but never turned out so I can do electrical fairly well. Built a tiny house and did a bunch of carpentry before/after (framing and finish)
It’s all biased but since I haven’t seen it mentioned I like tangle. It comes as an email
On a bright note I’m optimistic that ai bloated garbage and advertising will eventually push a critical mass of people to using decentralized and open source tools, or possibly that non-profits and co-ops will start to spring up to manage more ethical services that could potentially replace the mainstream ones.
When you’re not trying to make some dude disgustingly richer, you don’t need a ton of advertising (imo).
I also think tech workers should unionize. On a darker note, I think outsourcing/offshoring post-covid is going to kill any unions viability. You need bargaining power (withhold your labor) and I’m not sure that will exist for this trade because of how easy it will be to find workers.
I’m about to be one of those grads, career changing in my early thirties. Whoops. Got into Berkeley CS so hopefully that carries my foot into a door somewhere
I’ve got a lot of reasons: climate, personal finance, america (country where I live) seems a little unwell, mental health, lack of commitment (I think one should be pretty sure and I’m not).
Came close once with a relationship where my partner changed their mind and wanted kids and tried to convince me for a year. We parted ways over it.
Got a vasectomy last year. If I want them later on I’ll adopt or foster.