It’s been a whole series since long before AI. There was a gallery of them somewhere, the girls end up together at the end of the album.
It’s been a whole series since long before AI. There was a gallery of them somewhere, the girls end up together at the end of the album.
Donald Openly Gargles Erections
Every time I have taken a job that I hated and told myself that I would only stay for a few months, I ended up trapped in it for years.
Sometimes it’s not viable to wait for something that you like though, bills need paid and mouths need fed.
Maybe they’re suggesting that Bigfoot is homeless, which is no way to treat the state cryptid.
The Dems are a minority in both the House and the Senate at the moment, they’re literally powerless.
The best time to criticize them would have been over the last two years, when they actually could have done something about the mess.
I wish.
In Idiocracy the public wanted the smart people in charge, President Camacho even stepped aside when he knew he was unqualified compared to Joe.
In whatever the hell this is, the public demonizes intelligence.
America reached its tipping point of ignorance in 2016, we’ve been toppled since then.
Unfortunately Jack was dead for 8 years before the first B-2 spirit.
But Musk is one of the many bad things Trump has done, in fact things like renaming the Gulf of Mexico, Fort Liberty, and mount Denali and other stupid ass executive orders coming out of the oval office are specifically designed to outrage us and keep us distracted from Musk dismantling the government behind the scenes.
They won’t though, Elon dismantling our government gives them a daily breaking news headline and that’s good for profits.
You’d need chemical lasers to quickly vaporize birds, but it could be done.
The bullets that don’t hit the birds would rain down on populated areas.
Bird strikes happen at lower altitudes and airliners fly much higher than birds unless they’re taking off or landing, and they almost always takeoff or land near a populated area.
More people would die on average from stay bullets then from airplane crates caused my bird strikes
Chase routinely flags my phone bill that I’ve been paying to the same company for 5+ years as “potentially fraudulent” and doesn’t allow the purchase to go through.
However, they didn’t flag a $900 purchase on Chipotle gift cards on the other side of the country as potentially fraudulent and I had to file with them and wait for them to complete an investigation.
My Grandfather.
He was a drunk and a a wife beater.
One night starting at about 10 pm he beat my grandma to the brink of death with anything he could find.
He broke the walnut coat tree over her head, beat her with the radio, whipped her with his belt, broke her hands, tired her up behind his car and drug her up and down the gravel road, burned her clothes, and left her outside in February and kept dumping water on her trying to wake her up.
He finally stopped around 5 am when he called my mom because she wouldn’t wake up.
My mom and aunt took her to the hospital and sent the cops after him.
He tried to say she did it to herself and then charged his story to say that she ran off with “a bunch of n*ggers to do cocaine”.
She was in a coma and was pronounced brain dead 4 days after it happened.
There were belt marks on her back and stomach and you could clearly read his name from his belt buckle.
I vividly remember sitting though the court hearings and testifying at 12 years old.
He went to prison, we had to fight his parole every 5 years to keep him in, because he would have killed all of us for putting him in there, for 20 years.
In 2020 he died a slow and horrible death in the prison infirmary of Covid, he suffered for weeks and not one of his children or grandchildren went to visit him in his final days.
The only way we’re going to get our country back is if we get a sane Democrat in office that rules the same way Trump does.
So it’s never happening.
You can’t play by the rules while your opponent cheats and expect anything but to lose.
If you have room for it, buy some chickens.
Tractor supply Company sells them as chicks in the spring.
This pranks the factory farm industry by refusing to give them money to continue their cruel, unsanitary, and inhumane practices.
Things are most definitely getting worse
Ice storm of 2004, we didn’t have power for 13 days, 10 of those days the road conditions were so bad that we couldn’t get off the farm.
We had switched over to gas heat about 5 years before and didn’t have a wood burner anymore so we had to resort to boiling pots of snow on the gas stove to keep the house above freezing.
The whole family slept in the downstairs living room adjacent to the kitchen with the gas stove in our sleeping bags and camping gear to stay warm.
On day 10 when the roads were accessible again we went to town but most places were still closed in the ones that weren’t were picked pretty clean.
We we’re able to find kerosene for the kerosene heaters and kept the house a little warmer for the next three days until the power came back on.
I think this is a case of people not eating honey and bringing the average way down.
My current SO puts honey in her tea and goes though about a pound and a half per month or about 18lbs per year.
It might sound like a lot but 24oz over an average of 30 days is less than an Oz of honey per day or 2 tablespoons across 4 cups of tea every day.