• 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • My Grandfather.
    He was a drunk and a a wife beater.
    One night starting at about 10 pm he beat my grandma to the brink of death with anything he could find.
    He broke the walnut coat tree over her head, beat her with the radio, whipped her with his belt, broke her hands, tired her up behind his car and drug her up and down the gravel road, burned her clothes, and left her outside in February and kept dumping water on her trying to wake her up.
    He finally stopped around 5 am when he called my mom because she wouldn’t wake up.
    My mom and aunt took her to the hospital and sent the cops after him.
    He tried to say she did it to herself and then charged his story to say that she ran off with “a bunch of n*ggers to do cocaine”.
    She was in a coma and was pronounced brain dead 4 days after it happened.

    There were belt marks on her back and stomach and you could clearly read his name from his belt buckle.
    I vividly remember sitting though the court hearings and testifying at 12 years old.

    He went to prison, we had to fight his parole every 5 years to keep him in, because he would have killed all of us for putting him in there, for 20 years.
    In 2020 he died a slow and horrible death in the prison infirmary of Covid, he suffered for weeks and not one of his children or grandchildren went to visit him in his final days.

  • Ice storm of 2004, we didn’t have power for 13 days, 10 of those days the road conditions were so bad that we couldn’t get off the farm.
    We had switched over to gas heat about 5 years before and didn’t have a wood burner anymore so we had to resort to boiling pots of snow on the gas stove to keep the house above freezing.
    The whole family slept in the downstairs living room adjacent to the kitchen with the gas stove in our sleeping bags and camping gear to stay warm.
    On day 10 when the roads were accessible again we went to town but most places were still closed in the ones that weren’t were picked pretty clean.
    We we’re able to find kerosene for the kerosene heaters and kept the house a little warmer for the next three days until the power came back on.