No, because that means “sorrow”
No, because that means “sorrow”
That’s what they get for not using Cyrillic
I get my news from here, I don’t have to try. When was the meeting?
They profit too much to see it as a problem
make the corrupt officials in your governments bend to his will and fuck shit up from the inside
As opposed to what’s been happening for decades now?
closed door meetings with tyrants
Anyone in particular?
That’s a disturbingly accurate description of how I’ve felt for decades
We don’t do that in USA
Don’t you? GI Joe Retaliation: London gets shelled from orbit and apparently destroyed - barely acknowledged afterwards. GI Joe Resolute: Moscow gets obliterated by a space laser or whatever as a show of force, and it barely matters afterwards. And don’t get me started on the action movies where hundreds of people are snuffed out on the regular with perhaps just a quip to notice it. It’s only “reflected on” if it’s the “correct” kind of people
It’s not “their” money. It’s our communal wealth, stolen and privatised
For a shameless toy commercial cartoon, MASK had a pretty slappin intro theme