How come you can say someone’s partially deaf when deafness already covers people who can partially hear? Isn’t that redundant?
How come you can say someone’s partially deaf when deafness already covers people who can partially hear? Isn’t that redundant?
Too many people smoke in Europe and it’s too widely accepted.
Yes! with any discussion, Americans are more concerned whether it’s inline with the founding fathers’ intentions, than if it makes sense in today’s world. They should focus on finding the best solution, not the most constitutional one. Every idiot running around with a gun is a bad idea in a modern city. Maybe it made sense 200 years ago on a farm. But let’s not live in the past.
Do you have a link to a more reputable site? Gate communications is an American thing.
Deaf people can’t hear. That’s what it means to be deaf 😭
Google it
Copying is not theft
Who said anything about the US? Why not use world numbers?
I can see you’re in the state of ignorance