Baldur’s Gate 3 is, as someone already stated, I think a huge investment. I think it isn’t a Game where I can just go and play, but I think it is more like a game I need to actively think and have more than two hours to get back in. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Satisfactory is awesome, but since the 4th Update or so it has become too advanced for me.
But thanks for the recommendations
Prey looks great, and I think I will like it very much. Judging from the Steam review’s it’s very versatile which I like.
Watch Dogs 2 Also looks very cool. The story peek from the Trailers looks like it matches with my overall interests. The trailer really hooked me, but I’m still looking through other suggestions, thanks.
I have bought Cyberpunk right after Release, but then after watching some reviews, it just waited in my Drawer (physical copy). Because of that mishap from CD Projekt Red, I’m a little hesitant on that. I know that the patch is out, but I somehow not ready to play it yet.
Control seems promising, but I feel like the story is Whack. Guessing by the name, it seems like I can control everything, so that has some appeal.
Alan Wake 2 seems interesting, but not as compelling as Prey or Watch Dogs 2.