How about “She’s my guy”?
How about “She’s my guy”?
Haha, thanks! I know it’s quite important for a good bunch of people here (on a federated site), but I guess I’ll stick with Bluesky then. Thanks for the insights! : )
Thanks for the list! As someone who has never used any Twitter-like site before (I guess microblog is the right term…?), and recently made a profile on Bluesky only to support it (I have used it briefly ~3 times since joining): what are the pros of Mastodon that Bluesky doesn’t have?
I would say it would’nt be able to happen due to greed exclusively. You need an entire nation (race! the entire human race) to be selfish, dumb and hateful enough to allow these buffoons to rise to power, in the first place.
The orange faeces sprinkler could have done literally everything, have the voters been empathetic and intelligent enough - he wouldn’t have gotten much further than being the head of a hotel company, or something. At best.
But yet, here we are, because the entire human race, the human DNA itself is designed to be a selfish dick, and prioritise themselves or their closest circle (friends/family) over anyone and anything else. This will be our end, and hopefully it happens before any other forms of life cease to exist on this planet.
I’m saying this as a 2 year convert Firefox user: mostly easily replaceable. Sure, I can browse pretty much every page that I can on chrome. However, a few sites don’t work the same way - sometimes because of the site’s conscious decision, sometimes because of Firefox.
Take Facebook, for example. On desktop, I can’t make voice calls anymore from the desktop site. For a while it was possible with non encrypted chats, but now pretty much all of them are encrypted, and FF is not compatible with that. I also can’t watch h265 videos in my chats anymore. I’m still sticking with FF, but I just can’t easily say that FF is just as good for everything (I’m still not going back to chrome).
I know a president like that.
“The catch is, that they will look at you and ask you a lot of questions about computer related things.”
Hah, you have no idea I’m secretly into this!
“Often times they will repeat their question moments later”
…escape by suicide.
You can’t convince me the pig in the third pic isn’t Winne the 🇨🇳 Pooh.
This is why there was no need to write about it.
My inspiration exactly, haha
All eggs are ass eggs.
Had it not been for the second part of the message, I think they wouldn’t have bothered.
That’s interesting! The default cat sound in my language is “miau”, which sounds much more like the second one, but when someone is making that noise, we say he/she “nyávog”, which seems to be the first one + ‘og’.
There are (have been? Used to be?) different alternatives, probably also depending on the country/organisation, such as Utah or Zeta.
Alright, I just woke up so I might not see the obvious, but apart from the almost surreal butt licking, what is the sign (proof?) here that this Dittman’s account is actually Elon’s? Sorry, I have never used Twitter or X.
I was fine with it back when it was just one ad that you could skip.
I was fine with it back when it was just two ads that you could skip.
I was fine with it back when it was just two ads, and you could skip one, and the other was 5 seconds long. 10 was a stretch, but I’m patient.
Without an adblocker, now it’s playing an unskippable, 10+ seconds long ad at the start AND at the end. Some ads are as long as 20 seconds. If the video is long enough, it dares to abruptly play an ad right in the middle. You can’t skip that one, either. We’re back to television content-to-ad ratios - the exact thing I was happy to dump once there was enough content on YouTube. I was patient. That wasn’t enough for them. They can suck a beehive.
I love the posters. Is one of them even misspelled?
As someone who just converted from Chrome to Firefox 1-2 months ago: what alternative can you recommend to Google Drive? I wouldn’t miss everything from it, but being able to easily share data (so that they can play videos, audio files or documents without having to manually download them) is one of them.
EDIT: and maybe Google Photos. Mainly for syncing.
The issues would not stop existing just because you turn off your feed.