Can we trade? Every year I ask for socks, sunscreen, and cash, and I get useless stuff that is so lovely but so useless to me.
I’ve got a luxury nail care manicure set for Christmas this year that I’ll be hauking as soon as my family blink so I can buy some sunscreen for myself for Christmas since I’m out and I need it.
It’s a thoughtfully misguided gift - they know I go to get “treatments on my hands” and they keep thinking this is at a spa, so a kit to do it myself at home is a thoughtful gift to help me save money.
Except that I’ve explained thousands of times “it’s medical treatment, at a physiotherapist clinic, for palsies, not relaxation treatment, at a spa, for pleasure”
I can’t even really use the manicure set by myself because of the palsy.
For my actual nails I just bite, and occasionally file them… like a normal guy.
I was made redundant this year in November, so I need cash and socks, not a manicure set.
I hate feeling so ungrateful towards gifts. But I really do feel like they’ve gifted me guilt, when I asked for socks.
Wow I completely forgot Lemmy existed for a full fortnight, I’m sorry I accidentally ghosted your comment!
I’m currently using Reef 50+ SPF sunscreen oil.
I swapped to sunscreen oil instead of cream last year after I started using an oil based toner and realised that I prefer the slick oily feeling of actual oil over the sticky greasy feeling of sunscreen creams or the drying chalky sensation of mineral sunscreens like zinc.
I am myself on the hunt for another brand of sunscreen oil, because Reef is coconut oil based, and I have a friend who’s deathly allergic to coconut, so if I’m hanging out with her I need to swap back to the gross greasy 1L bottle of Bunnings sunscreen that’s probably expired but it’s what I’ve got.
And I’m worried I’ll forget one day and kill my friend by hugging her while wearing sunscreen.