Amazed people saying it is correct decision! This is two public figures and doing art or any form of expression material with their image should be protected under freedom of speech.
Amazed people saying it is correct decision! This is two public figures and doing art or any form of expression material with their image should be protected under freedom of speech.
Yes definitely lost touch with reality.
The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הֶסְכֵּם הַעֲבָרָה, romanized: heskem haavara, lit. ‘transfer agreement’) was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist organizations signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the migration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine between 1933 and 1939.[1]
What do you expect from people who worked hard to support Zionist Nazi in their mission in genociding the Palestinians since WWII with historical knowing ties to Hitler, and allowing them to bluntly own all branches of government? It was evident at least since the attempt of ethnically cleansing Gaza that the US government and many fascist allies in Europe have no issue with white supremacy. They been actively and proudly stating their goals, but the American people got played with fake democracy until it reaches this moment.
Ny times has proven again they are zionist. The wrote multiple article about gaza genocide disputing facts and even got called out by Israeli news media .
These outlet lives in the 1990 thinking people cant easily find out the truth.
In the latest video about this by veritasium, he asked the researcher about ethics concern. the researcher insist that they dont care as humanity can decide for itself.
The new report also details the extent of MIT’s partnerships with Israeli military contractors like Elbit Systems, which supplies 85 percent of Israel’s killer drones, and Maersk, one of the world’s largest shipping companies, that has sent millions of pounds of military goods to Israel since the start of the war on Gaza. The Israeli military also sponsored several of the MIT projects with funds provided by the U.S. Defense Department.
On October 13, 2023, The US called up Egypt and suggest that Palestinians in Gaza go to the Sinai Peninsula. Egypt refused so did Jordan. Many people don’t follow what happen day by day, so they miss these news. This exact topic, was going on for a while until Egyptian military build a wall and made it clear they are not going to change their position.
The plan was openly discussed at least since the 1980s ! so saying that Trump is worst, is not accurate because all US presidents made it clear they will do whatever Israel ask for. It just the democrat wanted Arab votes on the “illusions” they are better because they don’t say the quite part out-loud compare to Trump.
There is absolutely no difference between the two when it come to Israel.
Israel is not an ally to the US.
Allies don’t need to spend millions in donations to Congress and presidental candidate.
Allies don’t launch and support campaign to attack (anti-apartheid) protesters and candidates.
Allies, don’t attack US military and blame it on Arab.
Allies don’t protect pedophile and refuse to sign a extradition agreement.
They should start building tunnels because so far this is the most effective form of resistance against air and space attacks.
Said it before, saying it again. A state that willing to support a live streamed genocide, worst case war crimes, have no regards of women and children, will never care about it is own people.
Remember all these laws that invaded privacy under “fighting terrorism”? Now you are the terrorists.
Not sure why you down voted. If you research any person of like a few minutes you get the “visited Israel” or “was associated with X” and you look up “x” and it says he was a “spy”
It is insane how they control Congress and the White House, and people don’t think they can’t blackmail a university through grants or blackmail!
The nice thing is, now at least this can be used with live tv from other countries and languages.
Think you want to watch Japanese tv or Korean channels with out bothering about downloading, searching and syncing subtitles
He was crying on CNN not sure why
It is not realistic to think the saudi government cared that much about this. The way it works is someone send a request to block the site. If there are banned words including “sex” then it will be block. You can request for it to be unblock and say it’s a social media site. They have different rules. Remember reddit is not blocked.
I think there is a misunderstanding, the Ukraine reference how a global power “Russia” did the same steps before the military actions.
If you cannot see how “ISRAEL” runs the “USA” government through “AIPAC” and how both represent the same “Entity” I would recommend you read more about what they “Publicly” publish and what the “world” see happening.
These are “current” example that where we saw “Israeli” government official say “Not a Country”. It also the same when we look at “China” and “Taiwan” and any other “super power” vs “neighbouring nation”
This is the first step to annex another region.
Cycle continue ….
We saw this in Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine and many other countries that the USA has admitted funding different group inside them to destabilize them. But now it seems trump plan or asked to do the same with both Mexico and canada.
They can justify it with Mexico because of drugs and immigrants, but it is harder for Canada. They US news tried to blame canada for “terrorist” and “illegal immigrants” but it seems they are following the same stories with Mexico.
This has been going on in chess for a while as well. Computer can detect patterns that human cannot because it has a better memory and knowledge base.
Because now it is affecting you personally. Before it was in the middle east or some random aftican nation where people dont speak english, and media make sure it is not in the front page. Reading some history of any conflict will show the root starting a while back but no one cares.