She became a fitness instructor who sadly died of a stroke around the time of our twenty year reunion.
She became a fitness instructor who sadly died of a stroke around the time of our twenty year reunion.
My first thought always goes for the bezos of the world but my immediate second thought is always about them undoubtedly having a legacy planned for passing their money to the next bezo. So then what’s the point?
Can’t do the US Supreme Court people I don’t like either.
I don’t personally have any one I’d write in.
Fuck it, I’m writing in Elon Musk gets imploded in a Tesla submarine by himself.
I like this one the most. Chemo can be absolutely brutal.
My last ex was cute, funny, and treated me very well. The problem was they were not good at taking care of their health. As a result I couldn’t see us in a long term relationship. They died of a stroke a few years after we broke up.
Honestly, this was my first thought too. I wouldn’t mind getting off the wheel with absolutely no consequences.
Well there goes me but at least my native ancestors would have had a chance to thrive.
My fam has a lot of people who lived well into their eighties. Based on that, I still have a long ways to go.
Nah, it really was sad. I had no animosity towards her at that point. She had just gotten married and was starting a new life and then died in her sleep.