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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023

  • Don’t get a 50 series card. If you must upgrade I’d go for a second hand 40xx. But honestly with a 3080 you’re perfectly fine for now if you’re not married to ultra 4k 144hz.

    I’m on a 3070 and it does fine for most games. That said I don’t play a lot of AAA titles but the ones I do play fine at medium or high settings mostly.

    Also I used to dual boot, but since about a year I moved to 100% Linux and have only had the occasional issue. Mint with Nvidia send l seems to work pretty well these days.

  • Well I’ll say two things, first the old /r/conservative would never have allowed this open of a discussion. I don’t know if these stayed up long but I remember people even going very slightly against the Fox narrative being banned.

    Also this guy, completely and utterly misguided though I believe he is, at least has the courage of his convictions. He’s willing to make a sacrifice for what he thinks is good for the country. I very much doubt he’s right but still, that’s more than most people can say.

  • Do you think a large majority of Trump voters (not the vocal, terminally online ones) are actively hoping for an end to democracy? No, they’re just misled by someone who pretends to be on their side. And to turn the tide we need them back on our side. You think they’re going to be convinced by us shouting “fascist” at them? Obviously not. So what’s your plan to control the narrative?

    Trump has a plan. Unlike the tone deaf democrats who even now don’t seem to be able to present a message that normal people are interested in. They’re seen mostly as defenders of the status quo. The status quo that forces folks to work 3 jobs to make rent, then Trump comes along and shouts “death to the status quo”. Just repeatedly shouting back “Trump is evil” isn’t going to cut it.

  • Protest, absolutely. And possibly violent ones, could be. But until we get a good majority of people on our side we’re just going to be fighting our own while the oligarchs laugh. You want to start a fist fight with a conservative over pronouns? It sounds fun but it won’t accomplish anything.

    I’m not saying we can get to where we need to be 100% nonviolently but it has to start there. You have to build a base before you can overthrow anything. You’re talking about skipping to the last step without taking all the necessary steps in between. The revolution part is always romanticized but all the hard work that goes into it is ignored. That’s how Occupy failed so miserably.

  • There’s not going to be a public revolt or at least I wouldn’t hold my breath. And besides public revolts may feel cathartic but historically they don’t have the kind of outcome we’d hope for. Not to mention the civil war that’d likely ensue.

    There’s no overnight solution to this problem. And you can’t start from the top if you’re not already a billionaire with a private social media network. But you can get people on your side or rather show that you’re on their side.

    The real enemy is the same for both of us: the 0.01%. Trump supporters have just been brainwashed into thinking Trump is the man to solve that problem. And to be fair a lot of the left has been brainwashed into thinking the establishment Democrats are the only way forward.

    But in the end it’s the extreme right that profits from us screaming insults at each other.