Why don’t we use “express” as an attribute modifier?
This girl sexy express 😏
One trick I’ve discovered when trying to fall asleep is to try and identify objects in the visual noise you see. Actively identifying a shape makes it appear and leads to more shapes, like an association chain. This really helps me when I can’t sleep, it turns off the thinking part of my brain and allows me to shut off.
Depends on whether they’re sitting on the floor, doesn’t it?
And it’s the most generic boring non-specific review imaginable. Any Markov chain would generate better results.
Do you have more recent information by Signal on the topic? The GitHub issue you linked is actually concerned with publicly hosting APKs. They also seem to have been offering reproducible builds for a good while, though it’s currently broken according to a recent issue.
If I were a donkey and that happened to me I’d be mad. Nothing worse than a morning where you don’t have time to take a shit in peace
A better translation would be “that passes by my ass”.
I don’t care what Google wants. Maybe a search engine shouldn’t be competing using vertically integrated services? Or would you defend them when they remove links to non-Youtube-video platforms, and anything else that competes with their products?
We don’t have to sacrifice healthy competition and functioning services to the wants of corporations.
But I thought the movie only has a similar plot to this 1967 movie, which only featured interracial marriage in a positive light. Does it actually focus on interracial marriage? Because so far nobody has mentioned anything objectable.
The propaganda caused people not to wear masks or otherwise prevent transmission before a vaccine was available. In a world without this propaganda, more people would be alive today - both the idiots that believed it, but also the innocents whose deaths they caused.
Did you miss COVID?