Honestly, I am just hoping that the new country/countries that emerge from the smoking heap of America will try harder to enshrine democracy. Likely that will take decades.
Honestly, I am just hoping that the new country/countries that emerge from the smoking heap of America will try harder to enshrine democracy. Likely that will take decades.
The dissatisfaction is in regards to the imperative that you use all forms of tech in all aspects of your life. It is with the fact that all tech is designed around making money, not improving life. If your video games were designed around bringing joy and entertainment, then you would probably like them even more, and get more benefit from them. Instead there are loot boxes and gambling in nearly all large games.
This is the problem with capitalism. What a sick world view.
They were able to water down the ACA into near uselessness without any majority. At the start it was a Republican vision of healthcare, and they still watered it down because brown man bad. I do understand that they gained power in the midterms which allowed them to do even more obstruction but to claim that Democrats could have just done ANYTHING they wanted because they had the 3 branches is patently false. And yet… Here we are. Dems are largely rolling over and letting the GOP run roughshod over the gov. Not utilizing the abomination of the filibuster for any good, still confirming cabinet members, still treating with traitor and conmen.
Neither did the GOP during Obama’s presidency. They still managed to obstruct and block anything of value. Curious isn’t it.
It’s a bit strong to call it selling out. They are fucked already. Like their entire country will likely have to evacuate within the century. I’m not certain about this country but others are building a gov fund to help pay for that. Anything to help really. It’s not like this is the thing that is going to really cement bitcoins. The ship has sailed.
At least the last years of humanity will be SPICY!
At this point, WW3 can only help the planet. Kill us all quickly to prevent us from destroying the planet any further. Fuck it, guys. Why not?
We are so far behind on even the illusion of progress on climate and this fiasco is only rocketing us away from it.
If the working class ever actually participated in the class war at the scale the owning class has been doing for generations, there would be martial law declared within the week.
Oh wow. Literally 5 seconds of googling. You’re intentionally ignorant. You’re not discussing anything in good faith. You really cannot be this dumb.
He allowed an ai to refuse up to 95% of claims leading to likely thousands of deaths.
So yeah. He should have died. As should others, for the same reason. Evil people don’t deserve to live. End of story.
We need to go touch pitchforks.
It’s about the 6th separate incident in gov I’ve heard of in the last few weeks.
You’re not going to believe this…
Do your best to not get caught up in the gears yourself.
Fully agree. There are exactly two options for people at this point: fully capitulate and gargle fascist balls (this hastens world death), or kill fascist scum at every opportunity (this may slow world death if done with enough gusto)
He has never founded or invented anything. Every business he owns, he bought from others. In some cases he forced them to refrain from claiming to be founders at all. He’s pathetic scum.
I fully agree with you, I’m just starting my personal belief and the course of action I would likely take if the person was being exceptionally dim.
I am of the belief that a woman would respond similarly to a couple punches to the teeth. ,Fuck around and find out. I’m not enforcing gender roles out here.
I brought 3 cats to the USA from Thailand, with little problem. There was a bunch of tests and paperwork, but compared to human visa and such, it was easy. Idk where you got the idea that it’s not legal to bring pets…?