i was with you until you got to the murder flies.
I wish I hadn’t been too proud to go to food banks when I was in college. It would have made my life so much easier
One of our local honey dudes does 8 oz honey jars that are wider than they are tall. I like those.
Some of this is because domesticated bees are filling the roles wild bees take. Some is temperature based, like bees just die at something like 55 or 60 degrees C. Hooray climate collapse!
I would agree with you but I’m like 25% microplastic (and 8% regular plastic) so I figure what harm will be done has already been done.
what is six times nine
Fuck yeah. 2 million is the amount I need to live a comfortable life off the interest. 20 million gives me 800k a year in distributions to safely maintain the fund. We’d live like damn hell ass kings!
I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to mean that they don’t assess any new liabilities or obligations, but you can’t get out of anything they’ve already assessed by relinquishing citizenship.
You maniacs! You blew it all up!
i have you tagged as “not wearing pants”
can i get linguine with my thoughts please and godbless
more of a pro in golf course ownership than in golfing.
everyone knows donald was a frequent flier there.
jealous, mostly
So what’s the green one do?
Jump higher and dismantle the bourgeoisie.
I mean if the AI can reliably handle the CSAM filtering without having to make humans have to see it, I’m all for it
My favorite restaurant is not a chain, I’m a regular there, and they have a once a month special on one of these days. I would rather support them on one of these days than buy nothing.
To be fair any excuse to eat there is good. Greek food is awesome.
I have been stupid and had the water way too hot. I would sweat leaving the shower. So relaxing tho
I mean I know a dude whose initials are KD[last initial]. He doesn’t like his feminine first name, so he started going by Katie. KD. He just can’t win.