Well there at a library right? To use a library computer you need a library card, and we can’t expect poor people to be responsible with a library card. Obviously the commenter is irresponsible with their money paying late fees. Maybe if they stopped buying a new phone every year, or wasting money on a library they could buy a house. However keep buying the new phone we make because the shareholders demand higher returns each year. They need to do as we say and give us their money but it’s their fault for any consequences they face for us forcing them to give us their money. A perfect capitalist system. /S
Right!? Then when I take a vacation and don’t respond to tickets my boss has a ‘talk’ with me about how much Brenda is doing for the company and how she was on her laptop every night clearing tickets. So I’m on the job when I’m being paid, I’m on the job when I’m not being paid because if I let a ticket sit for an hour cause I’m cooking dinner I’m somehow not respecting the companies time and I’m on the job when I’m on vacation. I need to be ready to jump onto my laptop at a moment’s notice for the same reason.
Oh yeah and it’s good to hear from my manager that there are over 1000 resumes sitting on his computer for the ghost job my boss keeps up just so he can say how easy we all are to replace.
And I’m expected to treat that person with the utmost respect. I hate my job, but I’d hate being homeless more so.