Debian, devuan, arch, artix, nixos, guixSD, gentoo, funtoo, slackware, lfs
Debian, devuan, arch, artix, nixos, guixSD, gentoo, funtoo, slackware, lfs
If that were to happen that would indeed be a bad idea, I agree.
Your comment makes no sense, have a nice day!
I’m now using s6, which is great because nobody is using it so the best documentation is some random github page for running daemons with nix using various init programs.
While this is not that hard to do if you’re used to linux, I would not reccommend this to someone who is switching from windows.
However, mailbox can still be encrypted with pgp, and has some built in supports which make this easier.
One problem I had with proton/tuta is that you cannot use a third party app due to the encryption, which you can with mailbox. A problem I have with mailbox is that it does not support fido2 for login or 2fa, which could be a security concern.