Being in the minority never stopped the republicans. There are things the democrats can do to obstruct.
Being in the minority never stopped the republicans. There are things the democrats can do to obstruct.
As the republicans make it harder and harder to vote?
Stop blaming voters and start blaming the systems of oppression that make it impossible for us to make our voices heard. How many people were purged from voter rolls in Georgia alone this election?
It’s always been there. Trump just told them it’s ok to be nazi in public? He’ll protect them. Because he is a damn nazi.
Unfortunately, with the FTC rolling back net neutrality protections, I don’t see an antitrust lawsuit happening, or succeeding, anytime soon
Are you actually Elon Musk trying to gaslight all of us?
Good luck getting musk to pay to update the programs that most of the government uses.
These programs were written in COBOL, and they have had no reason to upgrade things that are still working.
I keep hearing that gen Z is actually pretty shit with understanding things outside GUIs.
And now I’m watching it actively destroy my country.
They CAN let all paycheck to paycheck people die and will happily do it.
Why do you think they’re cutting medicaid and social security?
This country is fucked and the people who SHOULD be leading the resistance, the democrats, would rather whine helplessly because they are down 1-2 seats in congress.
The governor needs to dismiss the mayor. She has the power.
How can he legally interject into what is clearly a local government matter?
Why would anyone want to come over here right now? I don’t even want to be here.
Yeah because drugs aren’t already prohibitively expensive.
The judiciary has entered temporary restraining orders. No one has declared his power grab straight out illegal yet.
And when they do he’ll just ignore it. The courts are dogs with no teeth.
What these techbro assholes don’t get it that cyberpunk is supposed to be a warning. Not a guide.
No. They want to make it small enough to fit in a woman’s uterus because that’s all they give a shit about regulating
It’s twitter until Musk acknowledges his trans daughter’s rights.
It’s showing up worldwide. Its why Mexico is threatening to sue.
It looks like they’re giving the lawyers time to find legal arguments to file.
Though they could jusr ban Google from their country.
Absolutely moral. Convincing owners to not drive them may save a life as well
What primary? The democrats did everything they could to shut down primaries. From refusing to run other candidates to outright cancelling votes.